Guidelines for preparing your article | Conferences of SibFU

Informatization of Education and E-learning Methods: Digital Technologies in Education

8th International Conference

Guidelines for preparing your article

Dear participants of the conference!

We wish to draw your attention to the necessity of following the requirements of paper formatting. The reports that are not formatted correctly will not be considered.

When formatting a paper for publishing, it is necessary to consider the following requirements and to use the article template.

The volume of the article is no more than 4 pages.


Article contents requirements

  • The article must start with an introduction where a research problem is posed. Here one should explain scientific rationale of the problem, describe the current state of the problem, and characterize a new solution.
  • The main body of the article gives the solution of the problem, it must present and interpret obtained statements and results.
  • When writing the article, it is necessary to adhere to the special terminology typical for the field of knowledge the article touches upon.
  • It is recommended that the article be broken into sections that have titles reflecting their contents. The article may contain illustrative material (figures, schemes, graphs), mathematical apparatus (formulae, relations), diagrammatic models of the problem under study.
  • The final part of the article must contain results and discussion, practical implementation information.
  • The literature reference is to be formatted in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.


Formatting requirements

The article must be prepared in Microsoft Word (XP/2003/2007) as a *.doc or *.docx file. Margins: top – 2.8 cm, bottom – 2cm, left – 3 cm, right – 2 cm.


The beginning of the article

  1. The author(-s) of the article. Name P. Surname of the author / of authors (Formatting: font Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing 1, align the text to the right). The following information is strongly required. Next line – the contact information: phone number, e-mail address. The third line – the name of the organization, city, country.
  2. The title of the article (Formatting: uppercase letters, font Times New Roman, 14 pt bold, line spacing 1, align the text to the center).
  3. Abstract (4–6 lines) (skip an empty line before the abstract) Formatting: font Times New Roman, 11 pt, line spacing 1, align the text — Justify, Indent — 1,25 cm.
  4. Keywords (Formatting: font Times New Roman, 11 pt, line spacing 1, Italic).


The main body of the article

Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing 1, full justification. Indent – 1.25cm. Titles of sections, items and subitems are to be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, semibold, line spacing 1. Section titles are to be separated from the previous section and the follow-up text with an empty line. Item and subitem titles are not to be separated with an empty line. No full stop at the end of titles of the article, sections, names of figures and tables. No footnotes in the article are allowed.


All formulae including separate variables mentioned in the text must be typed in Microsoft Equation. Font size 12 pt, index height 8 pt. A formula cannot be transformed into a figure. Formulae that are referred to in the article should be typed from the new line. In this case formulae are placed right in the centre, the formulae number is aligned right.


The title of the table consists of the word “Table” and its ordinal number (centre alignment), Times New Roman 11pt, normal, upright, placed above the table without indent. Table data is centre or left alignment (Times New Roman 11 pt). If there is only one table, it is not to be numbered, in this case when referring to the table, the word “table” is written in full. If there are several tables, they are to be numbered, the table reference looks like this: “ in tab. 1”.


Figures are to be inserted into the text as .jpg or .tif. The figure title is placed right above the object (Times New Roman, 11 pt. centre alignment, normal, upright) and should not be included into the figure format. The only figure is to be labelled with the word “Figure” and must be written in full when it is referred to. If there are several figures, they are to be numbered, the figure reference looks like this: “on fig.2”

Article End

Literature is given at the end of the article. Reference list must be compiled in the order the references appear in the text and are enclosed in square brackets, for example: [1].  Literature sources include author initials and surnames, journal or digest name, volume, year, issue, pages, and for books – author initials and surnames, full title of the book, place of publication, publishing house, year, number of pages. Times New Roman, 11 pt, normal. To be formatted in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5.-2008