Past conferences | Conferences of SibFU

Yenisey photonics — 2024

All-Russian scientific Conference with international participation

Past conferences

All-Russian scientific Conference with international participation «YENISEY PHOTONICS — 2020»

Участники первой Всероссийской научной конференции с международным участием «ЕНИСЕЙСКАЯ ФОТОНИКА - 2020»

The first All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «YENISEY PHOTONICS — 2020» take place in Krasnoyarsk on September 14–19, 2020.

The conference was organized with the support of RFBR (grant 20-02-22028) and the Russian Project to Increase the Competitiveness of Leading Russian universities among the world's leading scientific and educational centers (project 5-100) by the Institute of Engineering Physics and Radioelectronics (Siberian Federal University) and Kirensky Institute of Physics, FRC KSC SB RAS.

The purpose of the conference was an active exchange of new ideas and information about the latest results obtained in the field of photonics, professional development of young specialists working in this field, establishment of close contacts between groups of scientists from various scientific centers of Russia.

During the conference 6 plenary, 14 invited, and 69 oral reports were heard. They fully reflected both the topics of research in the field of photonics and the geography of these studies in Russia. A collection of short abstracts of reports has been published in electronic and printed versions. Electronic versions of all materials are available on the conference website.