Key speakers | Conferences of SibFU

Informatization of Education and E-learning Methods: Digital Technologies in Education

8th International Conference

Key speakers


 Prof. Vladimir L. Uskov, Ph.D.                           

Dr. Vladimir L. Uskov is a professor of Computer Science and Information Systems and director of the InterLabs Research Institute, Bradley University (U.S.A.).

Dr. Uskov obtained his Ph.D. degree from Moscow Aviation Institute — Technical University (Moscow, Russia) in 1986.

Dr. Uskov’s areas of expertise include but are not limited to:

  1.   Advanced Software Engineering/Software Development (1980 – present),
  2.   Web-Based Education, Online Education and e-Learning (1995 – present),
  3.   Applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education and Innovative Educational Technologies (1988 – present).

Dr. Uskov’s current (from 2012) research interests include research, design and development of Smart University, Smart Education, Smart Pedagogy, Smart e-Learning, Smart Classrooms and Smart data Analytics.

Dr. Uskov has more than 377 professional publications, including 3 textbooks, 10 chapter books, and 51 published articles in referred journals in 3 different languages.

Dr. Uskov made 45 keynote and invited presentations at various international conferences and professional meetings at the U.S.A., UK, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Norway, Spain, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico and Taiwan.

Dr. Uskov received numerous grants in his areas of expertise from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Microsoft Corp., and various governmental institutions, including major NSF grants ## 0420506, 0196015, 9950029 and 0002219 with a total funding of over $ 2.2 M.

Dr. Uskov is a general chair of the annual international conference on Smart Education and e-Learning (SEEL) in 2014-2024  (

Dr. Uskov was a general chair of the annual international conferences on 1) Web-Based Education (WBE-2002 – WBE-2013), and 2) Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE-2002 – CATE-2013).

In 1995-2023 Dr. Uskov worked as a visiting scholar and/or visiting professor in various universities of Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, and Norway.

Dr. Uskov is a Senior Member of the IEEE (2004).