Organizing Committee | Conferences of SibFU

Fourth Russian-Armenian workshop on mathematical physics, complex analysis and related topics

International conference

Organizing Committee

  • V.V. Kozlov, academician of RAS (co-chairman)
  • N.U. Arakelyan, academician of NAS RA (co-chairman)
  • A.M. Kytmanov, professor (assistant co-chairman)
  • A.G. Sergeev, professor (assistant co-chairman)
  • N.B. Engibaryan, professor (assistant co-chairman)
  • R.H. Barkhudaryan, Dr. (scientific secretary)
  • A.V. Shchuplev, Dr. (scientific secretary)
  • V.S. Vladimirov, academician of RAS
  • A.A. Gonchar, academician of RAS
  • I.V. Volovich, corresponding member of RAS
  • D.V. Treschev, corresponding member of RAS
  • E.M. Chirka, corresponding member of RAS
  • V.V. Zharinov, professor
  • N.G. Kruzhilin, professor
  • A.Kh. Khachatryan, professor
  • A.K. Tsikh, professor