Guidelines for authors | Conferences of SibFU


XXIII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation, dedicated to the 127-th Anniversary RADIO DAY

Guidelines for authors

Length of papers:

  • The papers accepted for publication should contain 3–5 (preferably full) pages of the A4 format.
  • Right and left margins are 2,5 cm; top and bottom ones are 2,8 cm.
  • The text is submitted in Russian (except for section 9).

Structuring the papers:

  • The main text should be preceded with the title of the manuscript (use 12 pt Times New Roman font, CAPITAL, bold).
  • The authors initials and surnames are placed below the title in the centre of the page.
  • The affiliated organizations, including name and address, are to be listed directly below the names of the authors in the centre of the page (use 9 pt font, italics).
  • Email addresses should start on a new line directly under the corresponding affiliation.
  • Abstract follows email in a line and contains 3-7 lines (use 9 pt font).
  • The main text follows below in a line.
  • References are listed after the main text in a line. 

Main text, formulae and tables:  Please use MS Office 2007 or later; 12 pt Times New Roman font, 1 cm paragraph indention; single line spacing, regular letter and word spacing.

Use the MS Word format for tables and figures. The png, bmp, wmf, jpg, gif or vsd formats are recommended for figures and tables inside the text. Text wrapping is not allowed. The application of the active embedded objects from MathCAD, Excel etc. is not allowed.

Captions are set in 10 pt font. Use the Microsoft Equation Editor to create formulae.

Number the tables sequentially.

References should be specified in square brackets, but references to formulae are in parentheses.

Papers will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee, for the technical merit and content. Only original, unpublished contributions will be considered for the inclusion to the Program and the Proceedings of a conference.

article template(.doc)

It is recommended: the number of authors for one article should not exceed five.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse publication of the materials which are submitted with violation of requirements, delivery terms or don't correspond to the scope of a conference.